The Weekend Trails

Matheran I spent the weekend at two different places, one in my backyard and the other atop a hill. It was not only pleasant - for me and the butterflies - but damn scenic too. Although we bagged few sightings, but those we sighted were pretty much uncommon! New species of flowers are blooming, and as the monsoon's reign comes to an end, the life seems to bloom at its pinnacle. Devil's Claw - Martynia annua Without wasting anytime, I'll go through the macro world of wonder that I came across. The Butterflies, especially the big ones always amuzed me. But considering they do not pose for me well, I always envy them. One such is the Blue Mormon. We saw it very commonly flying high in the canopy... coming down on us only to fly back up again! It is one hell of a butterfly that never wants to sit! On the other hand though, we saw many, many danaines puddling on specific plants for the alkaloids. All those who do that are males, who come here in searc...