Revisiting Nagla Block

Nagla Block ( wikimapia ) is the northern range of Sanjay Gandhi National Park ( SGNP ), separated from the main park by Vasai Creek. It is one of my favourite destinations around Mumbai (read the 2009 article here ). This article is about my visits to Nagla Block in year 2007, when my camera was a month old and my blog yet nonexistent. Let’s revisit this place and look at the pristine forest of Mumbai that is a hot destination of naturalists and photographers. A Common Cerulean, Jamides celeno rests against early morning sunlight It is only a small portion of SGNP, but it is of prime importance to the wildlife of Mumbai and the surrounding areas. It is the only corridor joining SGNP with other Protected Areas to the north. If you take a look at the map of SGNP, south is a dead-end to all of wildlife, and it is here that many man-animal conflicts, especially with leopards, occur. The east and west of SGNP are also arrested by urbanization, and it is here that encroachment i...